Accelerated Method Academy 


School of Christian Healing and Metaphysics



Our Philosophy on Wellness: What is Needed in Our Health Care System

 Given the health care crisis in our country today, the extraordinary costs of health care, and the high incidence of chronic debilitating diseases, we need a new cultural paradigm for considering our well-being. What is needed is a health care system that empowers the self to heal naturally, embraces optimal well-being, empowers us to be compassionate toward others, and is affordable.

Heal Faster and More Effectively!

Healing can often be a long slow process. Develop your ability to heal faster and more effectively. Request Free Guide: 7 Ways to Accelerate Your Ability to Heal



Accelerated Method Academy does not require a specific religious orientation. We have no objection to any form of healing, for anything that helps to overcome suffering is good, whether it be a pill or a prayer. Our methods can fit within all spiritual paths, although the focus of our teachings and courses are within the Christian tradition.


The mission of Accelerated Method Academy is to facilitate the evolution of the standard of health care from one of managing disease to one of fostering healing, happiness and abundance. Our ultimate goal is to teach and train believers how to heal the sick using Christian methods and evidence-based principles; thereby, addressing health care disparities by making affordable health care accessible to all. 


Accelerated Method Academy was founded by Suzan Flagg Yorke, DDiv., OTR. Being an avid seeker of the Divine and science she has facilitated healing for well over 40 years in many different arenas, including conventional and alternative therapies. Dr. Yorke developed and authored The Accelerated Method in 2013 which inspired the establishment of the academy. Accelerated Method Academy is owned and governed by Mindfulness Centers of America.

Heal Faster and More Effectively!

Healing is often a long slow process no matter what method is used. Develop your ability to heal faster and more effectively. Get Free Guide: 7 Ways to Accelerate Your Ability to Heal